Thursday, 24 September 2015

Big Brother is watching you.

1984. A book I probably shouldn't admit to having never read. But I went to see the play anyway. And it was amazing. And now I need to read the book.

The acting was fantastic, backed up by some very clever staging. The bleak one room set for the majority of the play really added to the controlled nature of the material, creating an erie atmosphere that lingered from the get-go. This was wonderfully contrasted with a live screen that inhabited the very top part of the backdrop. (Bringing to life Big Brother.)

The whole thing was confusing, engrossing and scarily relevant. It seemed as if the book had been written for stage it felt like it translated so well. (But then I might be wrong, as I now need to read the book.)

If you can - go and see this! It is currently showing at the Nottingham Playhouse until 26th September. From then I think that it is touring. (This might need a google.)