Thursday, 13 October 2016

The Lorraine Special

The Lorraine region in France has it all going on this month. Below is a brief run down on what’s on in three different areas of the region.

1. Zone Sensibles  @ FRAC (Fond Regional d’Art Contemporain), Metz
    Until 23rd October 2016 (Exhibition), FREE

FRAC is a contemporary art gallery in the city of Metz. (Which, happily for us is free, no matter what your age.) This exhibition concerned itself with the exploration of maps and our depictions of them. I can’t say that I was crazed about this exhibition, but the last thing we saw made the trip worthwhile.  An ephemeral installation by Nipan Oranniwesna (from Bangkok born in 1962) addresses the final use of paper maps. (See above.) He uses talcum powder to create an imaginary ghost-city. He makes it something tangible, but barely. This piece really takes your breath away and is a great way to close the exhibition.

2.  Festival du Film Arabe @ various locations, Fameck
     Until 16th October 2016 (Film), from 5 – 15 €

This year sees the 27th edition of the festival take place. Each day, different feature length film is offered for viewing. For the price of 15 €, you can enjoy a film and a meal. (The meal is either couscous or tagine. With a choice of tea and cakes at a further charge.) This offers you the chance to see films that aren’t part of mainstream cinema (not in the West at least) so really is a great opportunity to see something new.

3. Nancy Jazz Pulsations @ various locations, Nancy
    Until 15th October 2016 (Music), various prices including some FREE events

This is a fantastic festival. I’m just going straight out there and saying it. They have a very diverse program this year, with musicians that infuse all different types of genres with jazz. Most concerts you have to pay for – but your ticket comprises of 3 acts normally. Other concerts are completely free. Something of note for this festival: on the Sunday when the festival takes place there is a concert in the park. Completely free. Parc de la Pépinière is transformed in a music festival, with different tents in the park some for music, some stands for food etc. On the Sunday that I went, I had the good fortune of finding out about this band: Gallowstreet. They are VERY good. Google them and you’ll see. If you enjoy music, I think that Nancy Jazz Pulsations is definitely one worth going to, or at least keeping an eye on in your calendar.

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