Wednesday, 30 November 2016

What to Watch

This is a quick film and TV round-up for this month of things you should watch. If there's anything that you watch this week, please let it be these two things:

1. I, Daniel Blake

A film directed by Ken Loach. A fantastic piece of fiction based on the truth of the welfare system in the UK. As well as success stories, it is important to acknowledge the failures of the system and where it still needs to be improved. This film focuses on Job Seekers Allowance - a government grant given to people who are currently unemployed looking for work. The film showcases the harsh reality of many people claiming benefits and the poverty that still exists in the UK today. For me, this is the perfect example of art being used to highlight social issues and hopefully create political change.

This film is not easy to watch. And nor should it be. It's subject matter is heavy and at times it can be difficult to see. This film is completely worth the investment of your time. It's an incredible film that really puts things into perspective. Go and watch I, Daniel Blake. I implore you.

2. Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life

Perhaps the TV (or Netflix) event of the year. (Or perhaps even the century.)

Four new episodes were released Friday 25th November 2016 giving us the badly needed Stars Hollow fix we've desperately been craving for 9 years. (As well as finally hearing those infamous four last words!! Oh my goodness! I have nothing to say at them! Don't worry - no spoilers here.)

This reboot of the show really is a treat for fans, with so many 'in jokes' that it really pays if you have seen the previous seasons. I can't really discuss the revival without giving anything away, so I think I shall just leave it at that. Although, one thing before I sign off. At the end of these four episodes (really they are more like four full feature length films) I wanted more. I was demanding at my screen (in between my opened shocked gaping mouth) for more. But. Upon reflection, I don't think we need it. If you've seen it, I think you'll know why: Everything comes full circle.

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